Sunday, August 31, 2008

Den Vita Massajens Dotter - Corinne Hofmann

Jaha, detta ar alltsa uppfoljaren till Den Vite Massajen och berattelsen blir inte pa langa vagar lika spannande eller exotisk nar hon och dottern flyttat till Schweiz. 5

Den Vita Massajen - Corinne Hofmann

En sann berattelse om en schweizisk kvinna som traffade en massajkrigare i Kenya och blev foralskad eller snarare besatt. Hon har sjalv skrivit boken och skriven som det vore en dagbok. Hennes liv och kulturen hon levde i ar intressanta att lasa om men efter ett tag tycker man nog att hon verkar lite naiv och tillochmed lite korkad. Kanske 6.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Half of a Yellow Sun - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Two sisters' (Olanna and Keinene) struggle with love and family relationships during difficult years of war in the Republic of Biafra. They suffer through the military coups, the creation of Biafra, famine and sanctions as well as the fall of Biafra and return to Nigeria in the late sixties. Very powerful. Very different. I learned some history and geography I certainly didn't know before. 8

Berlinerpopplarna - Anne B. Ragde

Norsk forfattare skriver om tre valdigt olika broder (hm....fyra visar det visst sig....) som vaxte upp pa en gard utanfor Trondheim. Mycket bra. 8

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Seducing the Boys Club - Nina DiSesa

A successful woman gives advice oh how to advance in a business world run by men. Tinki was reading this book, so I picked it up to see what she was reading. It was interesting but the author is a little full of herself. It seems like mostly stories of her own greatness interspersed with some advice like below:
• Learn to appreciate men. Men like women who like them.
• Remember that women are biologically wired to succeed.
• If you want to make a name for yourself, find a mess and fix it. A secure and comfortable job only holds you back.
• Don't assume that men never listen. They listen like a dog does.
• Don't be a quiet achiever.
• Act brave and you will look brave.
• Screw the rules. Make up your own.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Away - Amy Bloom

I didn't care for this book. The style of writing was not focused but all over the place. I really didn't care for the style at all. Not at all. No good descriptions of characters and no buildup of them. I disliked finding out what happened to everyone who was not a main person. The main person Lillian is interesting enough and the story could have been compelling by a different author. She flees Russia when her whole family is murdered because they are Jewish. She ends up on the U.S. living life as a semi-prostitute until she finds out that her 3-year-old daughter might still be alive and she sets off to find her encountering more misery and prostitution along the way. Yuck. Nope. 4

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Rest of Her Life - Laura Moriarty

Ok. Highschool girl accidentally kills another girl while driving. Book is about the mother and how she deals with the tragedy and relationship with her own mother which is affecting her relationship with her daughter. 5

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions - Dan Ariely

Fun and enlightening. Everyone should read this book.

Mogen for skrubben - Solja Krapu

En svensk bok om en lararinna pa hogstadiet som blir inlast i kopieringsskrubben en hel helg. Mycket tid att tanka... Bra. Lite redundant men anda bra. 8

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Case Histories - Kate Atkinson

Mystery set in England. Usually not my type of book but for some reason I liked it. My book club didn't... I liked the setting. The story line didn't quite tie all the people together but I still liked it. The people seemed real. They were weird but real. 7

Out Stealing Horses - Per Petterson

Great quiet book that takes place in Norway and a little bit in Sweden. Great prose translated from Norwegian which is obvious and awesome. 9.

The nasty bits : collected varietal cuts, usable trim, scraps, and bones - Anthony Bourdain

His usual style but choppier due to each chapter dealing with a separate trip to different countries. Nothing new really. 5

Financial peace revisited - Dave Ramsey

Great financial advice to take to heart. Some of the religious stuff is too much for me along with the wife's quotes.

In defense of food : an eater's manifesto - Michael Pollan

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

The Friday Night Knitting Club - Kate Jacobs

Kinda trashy. Until the end. I did like the end. 5ish....